Check teaching for a year in Guatemala off the proverbial list of things to do, 'cause I'm done for the summer! I'm ready to tear through Guate con mi familia! I've a lot in store for them and I hope they're ready! As excited as I am for my family to be here and for the school year to be at the end, it's hard to say goodbye, even though I'm coming back. I've learned a lot and I hope I've taught a lot. I love my kids and I think they care a little bit about me. The following is what they wrote in my yearbook. I'm not showing you guys this so you think, "Oh Brendan thinks he's great because his kids say he's cool." No, you're getting to read this because I think its funny. I've left the grammar and spelling just as they wrote it (remember I taught English, History, and PE). They call me all kinds of different things from Mr. Scott, to Scottie, to Mr. 1999, to Brendan, only outside of school. Some of my students thought I was cool (I sure tricked them) and some didn't think much of me at all. Over all, I really connected with a lot of the kids at IAS (my school). I love that they care about my dating life or lack there of. I really hope that God uses me in their lives. I want to see them use correct grammar and better spelling, but that may take a miracle. I guess I'll just accept seeing them grow in Christ. So here are some of their quotes. They made me laugh and each has its own story. I hope you enjoy.
Mr. Scott,
you R really fun! I love your class! I hope you change your mind about girls! [Me here. I told the the 8th grade girls that I thought girls were useless, but I was just kidding and they gave me a hard time about it for the rest of the year.] I think that you have to start serching for your future wife because you have a long way to go! Jjajaja
-(8th grade girl)
Mr. Scott,
You're an awesome teacher bisdies your horrible laps. Keep rocking.
-(8th grade boy)
Mr. Scott,
You are crazy but it's okay! [She wrote all of here exclamation points with hearts]
You are not cool but it's okay!
Hope to see you next year hope you become funner! [One day during class she stopped me mid lecture and said, "I thought you said class was going to be fun." Ouch!] I love you as a teacher
-(7th grade girl)
Mr. Scott,
I aggree with [the 8th grade girl about me needing to change my mind about girls] HaHaHa! Thanks Mr. for the adivce you gave to me! I hope to see you next year. Thanks for all!
-(8th grade boy)
you're classes are awesome and overall you are cool and have a cold summer in coloRado. Mr. 1999, be a little less strict.
-(6th grade girl)
Mr. Scott
You r soo cool thanx 4 Every thing Cya next year!!!
-(7th grade girl)
Hey Mr. Scott!
Hope you have an awesome sumer! You are kind of cool! JK! [smily face] It was fun having you this year! See you next year!
-(8th grade girl)
Mr. Scott
Thanks for the cool PE class that we had See you next year
-(8th grade boy)
Mr. Scott
I hope you don't give a lot of exersize
-(5th grader who I will teach next year)
You're cool! I'm glad you like Coldplay as much as I do! Have an awesome summer! Don't get lost!
-(8th grade girl)
Mr. Scott,
You are a awesome teacher, thank you for teaching us History. See you next year. Have a cool summer.
-(7th grade girl)
Mr. Scott you're cool but dont Make us run in P.E.! P.S. let os play rugby
-(7th grade boy)
Have a nice summer. Thanks for the emarecing moments on P.E. I'll miss them.
-(10th grade boy)
Mr. Scott
Have a happy life.
-(10th grade boy that knows I'll be back next year)
Scottie (as they call you . . .)
You weren't my actual teacher . . . But, I really enjoyed hearing about your first kiss and bad influences. Heh.
-(10th grade girl)
Reading through all of these proves to me that I connected with my students in some way or another, which was my desire in coming down here. As I look to coming back and teaching next year I can only wonder where God will take these relationships or if he will help my students and me learn how to spell and use correct grammar. I heard he was in the miracle business.